
Path based routing in Azure Application Gateway with Azure WebApps

3 min read

So it may occur to you that you may want to do path based routing so that you can reach multiple applications under 1 hostname. To represent this, I’ve drawn an example of what we are trying to accomplish

Application Gateway - Path based

In this post, I’ll show you how I can use the hostname to respond to different backends when hit on 3 paths:

  • /identity : redirects to the identity web app
  • /authorization : redirects to the authorization web app
  • / : redirects all other requests to the default web app

As a side note, I’m using the v2 of the Application Gateway.


To understand better how all the components are layed out, I made a diagram.

For the sake of this example, I will be configuring the frontend listener to listen to port 80.

AppGateway - Components diagram

If you want to do End-to-End SSL, you will also need a certificate, whether wildcard or the host itself. You will also need to associate it to your listener. I’ve covered an example of End-To-End SSL in my article here.

How does this look when creating the Application Gateway?

The part here that may look difficult is to create the listener, the rule and the url path map rules. It’s always best to diagram what you are trying to do (like I did above), so you can go right ahead and not have any uncertainty.


AppGateway - Azure - AddRoutingRule - Listener

Rule, along with the url path map rules and the associated targets:

AppGateway - Azure - AddRoutingRule - Targets

Here is the final configuration, including the backend pools

AppGateway - Azure - Final Configuration

Associating the Health Probes

I created the 3 health probes in the portal.

1 for identity that points to /identity in its respective backend pool

AppGateway - Identity HealthProbe

1 for authorization that points to /authorization in its respective backend pool

AppGateway - Authorization HealthProbe

1 for the default that points to / in its respective backend pool
AppGateway - Default HealthProbe

As of 2020-08-14, there seems to be a bug in the portal that doesn’t allow you to associated probes to http backend settings, so I used PowerShell and did the associations


AppGateway - HealthProbes summary

Configuring the WebApp

In order for the WebApps to properly respond (and not return a 404) when being accessed from the Application Gateway, I need to make a small tweak to the Web App path mapping. I need the application to not respond on / but rather to /identity and/authorization. The default can continue to listen to /.

Under the Configuration blade of the Web App, under the Path Mappings tab, I change the path mapping for the identity web app for the Virtual path: / Physical Path: site/wwwroot to Physical Path: site/ and add a path mapping for a new virtual application that points to Virtual Path:/identity and Physical Path: site/wwwroot. I do the same for the authorization web app, that is Virtual Path /authorization that points to the Physical Path site/wwwroot.

WebApp - PathMapping


As you can see now accessing the URL through the Application Gateway gives us the results we want.

AppGateway - Testing

What if I don’t want to modify my virtual paths in my WebApp?

There is a way, you can override the path in the Application Gateway backend http settings, with /. This will rewrite the requests to start with / when forwarded to the backend pool. Doing this, you don’t need to change any of your path mappings in your web apps. Your health probes also need to point to /.

AppGateway - Override Path


As you can see it’s fairly simply to do Path based mapping in the Application Gateway to map to your Web Apps. You just have to remember the little tricks to either override the path at the Application Gateway level or to change the Path Mappings in the Web App.