

C#, WebApi

Testing SignalR in ASP.NET Core with Integration Tests

As promised in my last post, I’m following up on how to test your SignalR hubs in an end to end manner using TestServer. This post is a build up on my last post so if you haven’t read it, go do so now! Setup I have a Hub named ChatHub that has the following method:

My clients all are connected to (listen to) a method to receive messages called  OnMessageReceived. Tests In my test class, I created a method to help me start my connection. If you plan on testing multiple hubs, you may want to move this method to a helper class.

Dom, my Hubs are protected with a Jwt Token… No worries, you can pass your…

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C#, WebApi

Testing a WebAPI in .NET Core with Integration tests

NOTE: This posts targets ASP.NET Core 2.X. If you are looking for ASP.NET Core 3.1, see my repository. I’ve also made a NuGet package for easier consumption. You finished developing your API, and you are ready and eager to push it to production. You then realize that you are missing some tests to make it a real production ready API. Lucky for you, ASP.NET Core 2.X provides us with an In-Memory HTTP Server (TestServer) to help us achieve this. This post aims to help you write end to end tests (e2e) using ASP.NET Core 2.1 (and possibly future versions!) in order to test the flow of your API. Remember that having tests in place, whether they are unit or end to end,…

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